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Men?s Basketball Takes the Win From Lourdes

Men?s Basketball Takes the Win From Lourdes

Dearborn, MI- Men's basketball struggled in the first half against Lourdes University Saturday afternoon, but managed to finish strong for the (59-54) conference win. At the end of the first half the Wolverines were down by 16 pts but returned from the half with some extra energy. As a team, Michigan had out shot Lourdes from everywhere on the field shooting 66% from behind the free throw line and 47% from the field. Michigan Dearborn's leaders were Jason Penn (21pts) and Brandon Cole (18pts) who each also contributed 5 rebounds.

Michigan Dearborn began the game by taking the lead right away. Penn shot two times from the paint to give Michigan a 4-0 lead in the first two minutes. Two minutes and three shots later, Lourdes took the lead and put the Wolverines behind with a 4-8 score. As the game went on, the struggles for Michigan continued. Michigan was able to put up shots but the ball found everyplace but the hoop. Lourdes used Michigan's misfortune to their advantage by making shots and putting the Wolverines in their dust. With four minutes left in the half Lourdes had their largest lead of 18pts which lead to a 37-21 lead at halftime. For the first half as a team, Michigan shot 50% from the free throw line and 32% from the rest of the field as Lourdes over powered the Wolverines by shooting over 50% from all spots on the field. Cole led the Wolverines at the half with 8pts.

During half time the Wolverines must have taken power naps because they returned with an energy boost and took control of the game. Aside from the very first shot made by Lourdes, the Wolverines worked to hold Lourdes and close the gap. Michigan managed to score 9pts and close the gap to 9pts in four minutes of play. For the next five minutes both teams found ways to score points and hold one another to keep the gap in close range. In the final ten minutes of the game Michigan broke away and controlled the game. The Wolverines tied the game for the first time at 49-49. One minute later Michigan took the lead for the second time of the game. Lourdes used a missed shot and a defensive rebound to bounce back and tie the game up for one last time before the Wolverines finished strong with a final score of 59-54.

Men's basketball will play this evening, Wednesday, February 11 on the road at Lawrence Tech University at 8:00 pm.